Bella Bodini Amazone i pasning

Bella Bodini Amazone er på ferie pasning for første gang i Monkey World´s papegøje pension!

Bella Bodini Amazone i pasning

Når man er på papegøjehotel skal man da ud og lege, så tit som muligt. Bella var ude og lege, hele tiden! Hun elskede det, og det var så hyggelig at have hende på ferie.

En papegøje som Bella er meget nem at passe, hun er meget tam hvilket gør det nem for os at lukke hende ud og arbejde med hende. Hun er en papegøje der elsker at blive i buret selvom man har åbnet hendes dør. Når hun så kommer ud så elsker hun at flyve ind i de forskellige bure og gå på opdagelse. Vores søde ferie barn er mest til mænd, så vores mandlige del af personalet er vilde med hende. Dog kunne vores fodre piger få lov til at forkæle hende med snack.

Bodini arten

Bodin’s Amazone ses ikke så ofte, derfor er der ikke mange oplysninger om dem. Det er også første gang vi har fornøjelsen af at passe sådan en flot art.

Bodini´er er rolige væsner, de er meget sjældent aggressive.

De er meget intelligente og kan lære at sige ord og enkle sætninger.

Se flere billeder af Bella her:


Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117358684 331073784733216 9099568391043466389 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117347065 2692237747713868 3803756181639594502 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117331498 761879474565456 1268624972052834001 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117321844 295669488212667 5145432099038606463 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117321841 642154793070103 4743210314404649827 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117291422 608290656556542 7750526721214170618 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117289177 749418309214680 4139787211510843712 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117109786 423050341954023 2363643463376839866 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117242166 581057655920516 3301889491092770336 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117240517 975494979564210 7424087259641912185 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117238180 781734145912710 5501236424230130585 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117230082 331423544653418 171539166340232113 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117209389 597670894225995 5010782124163214387 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117174220 807763893300239 2158232289653537500 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117155932 673945990217600 3570177610522884904 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117145225 622285668667680 509653780569775028 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117116697 725319978321667 7192860886198351595 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117104935 3824353507615221 5541686838338410149 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
117040328 641605436729845 6021919652064834658 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116974449 3169531979809287 6809468502791004261 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116938330 579837409353109 6276823337417511450 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116927996 851115862082914 4208509407899644141 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116908430 299912264579223 8062327175066987190 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116904839 749911615575525 1853912720262338532 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116900442 746075932890722 7568922637055348616 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116894630 1149837232083386 2889555048455754238 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116886850 220121572646570 1649973685168526633 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116879851 2630369007222684 1194156183282016604 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116832503 358413678504464 2057401568685840657 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116799614 583332215665466 6984669295242547463 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116479536 649485322583721 1439680267893959170 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116368183 661126644480468 1045685923353722449 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116437920 576058546394023 6642807236895957857 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116264879 2904064313049846 5103406225209561369 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116588796 3354092384612700 467568013102971226 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116253700 299804381333335 5177343842288355029 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116441488 325682528837742 8168178765129407595 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116796840 720244978830604 4766967917301957609 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116342069 1613008248855391 3854207441769778556 n (1)
Warning: getimagesize(/customers/5/0/0/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/5/0/0/ on line 269
116548421 300009227979705 7302724425631455061 n (1)

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